Barbara Tapia (BABI) ~ Biodanza Facilitator/Facilitadora ~ System/Sistema Rolando Toro

Monday, January 3, 2011

Home ~ history



Biodanza was born cradled by music and movement, and had its origin in Chile. Its creator, Rolando Toro Araneda, was a Faculty Member of the Center for Medical Anthropology, School of Medicine, University of Santiago in 1965. It is in this same year when he began his first works from the dance. On this occasion, their patients of the Psychiatric Hospital of the University were the firsts to know what would be the future Biodanza. 
 But, like all living things, Biodanza began to grow, expand, and in the early 70's bent his steps to Argentina. There, Rolando Toro continued to deepen and experiencing in this fertile area. 
 Years later Rolando traveled to Brazil. Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Sau Paulo are among the cities where the young Biodanza began to settle and grow. Rolando stayed in Brazil until the mid 80 and then he started another journey, this time to Italy. Once settled in Milan, Biodanza expanded by several European countries and Training Schools were opened in Germany, Spain, England, France, Switzerland ... 
 Biodanza is now practiced in Europe, Latin America, Japan, Australia and South Africa. In these 40 years has created a network affective from thousands of people around the world who share and enjoy this warm meeting we call Biodanza.

Rolando Toro Araneda was born in Concepción (Chile), April 19, 1924 to 2010.
He held the chair from the school of medical anthropology at the School of Medicine, University of Chile and the Psychology of Art and Expression in the Aesthetics Institute of the Pontifical University of Chile. He was named Professor Emeritus of American Open University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
Rolando is the Creator of the Biodanza System, which is practiced throughout Europe, Latin America, Japan, Australia and South Africa. He was the President of International Biocentric Foundation, from where he directed and coordinated the activity of Biodanza in the world. 
 Rolando lived in Buenos Aires for four years in Brazil twelve years and eight in Italy and since 1998 is based in Chile. 
 Rolando Toro Araneda was also a poet and painter and has published books of poetry and psychotherapy. He has art exhibitions in Brazil, Italy and France.
He died in 2010.


Biodanza nació acunada por la música y el movimiento, y tuvo su origen en Chile. Su creador, Rolando Toro Araneda, era en 1965 Miembro Docente del Centro de Estudios de Antropología Médica de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Santiago. Y es en este mismo año cuando comienza sus primeros trabajos a partir de la danza. En esta ocasión fueron sus pacientes del Hospital Psiquiátrico de la Universidad los primeros en conocer lo que sería la futura Biodanza.

Pero, al igual que todo ser vivo, Biodanza comenzó a crecer, a expandirse, y a principios de la década del 70 encaminó sus pasos hacia la Argentina. Allí Rolando Toro continuó profundizando y experimentando en este fértil espacio.

Años más tarde viajará a Brasil: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia o Sau Paulo son algunas de las ciudades en donde la joven Biodanza comienza a establecerse y a crecer. Rolando permaneció en este país hasta mediados de los 80 para luego iniciar otro viaje, esta vez con destino a Italia. Una vez instalada en Milán, Biodanza se expandió por varios países europeos y se abrieron Escuelas de Formación en Alemania, España, Inglaterra, Francia, Suiza...

Actualmente Biodanza se practica en Europa, América Latina, Japón o África del Sur. En estos 40 años se ha tejido una red afectiva entre miles de personas de todo el mundo que comparten y disfrutan de este cálido encuentro al que llamamos Biodanza.


Rolando Toro Araneda nació en Concepción (Chile), el 19 de Abril de 1924-2010.
Ocupó la cátedra del centro de estudios de antropología médica de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile y la de Psicología del Arte y de la Expresión en el Instituto de Estética de la Pontificia Universidad de Chile. Fue nombrado Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana de Buenos Aires,Argentina.

Es el Creador del Sistema Biodanza, practicado en toda Europa, América Latina, Japón y Äfrica del Sur. Es Presidente de International Biocentric Foundation, desde donde se dirige y coordina la actividad de Biodanza en el mundo.

Vivió en Buenos Aires durante cuatro años, en Brasil doce años y ocho en Italia y desde 1998 está radicado en Chile.

Rolando Toro Araneda es también poeta y pintor y ha publicado libros de poesía y psicoterapia. Ha realizado exposiciones de pintura en Brasil, Italia y Francia.
Rolando Toro murio en 2010.

Home ~ efectos


Desde un punto de vista FISIOLOGICO, la Biodanza estimula la armonía del organismo, mejorando así su capacidad de autorregulación. Algunos de sus ejercicios están estructurados para actuar sobre el sistema nervioso simpático, optimizando así nuestra capacidad de trabajo y de respuesta al medio. Ya otros ejercicios actúan sobre el sistema nervioso parasimpático que responde por nuestra capacidad de relajación, placer y descanso.

Desde un punto de vista EMOCIONAL, la Biodanza estimula la expresión espontánea, logrando una mayor integración entre las motivaciones internas, los gestos y el movimiento corporal, lo que nos permite experimentar nuevos comportamientos y actitudes dirigidos a un estilo de vida más sano y placentero.

Desde un punto de vista RELACIONAL, la Biodanza favorece una comunicación verbal y corporal más abierta y fluida, estimulando nuestra capacidad de expresión afectiva, así como nuestra capacidad de manejar los límites personales con claridad.

Home ~ dance life


The conceptual basis of Biodanza come from a meditation about life, from the desire to reborn out of our broken gestures, from our empathy and sterile repression structure. And certainly from love nostalgia.

The first cognitive contact with the world, before speech, is the knowledge given by movement. Therefore the dance is a way to be-in-the world, the expression of the organic unity of man with the universe.

The proposal does not consist only in a dance, but also in the activation of affective and communicative potentials through special dances, which aim is to connect ourselves to the others and to the nature.

The transformation made by Biodanza is not only a values reformulation, it's a real cultural change, an affective learning, limbico ipotalamica alteration reaching the success beginning from health.

The Biodanza aim is to restore in the human being the original link with the shape, as a biological whole. This starting point is necessary to survive.

Biodanza finds inspiration in the most primitive origins of the dance as a vivencial moment.
Dance is a deep movement born from the most visceral part of a man. It's a life movement, it's a biological rhythm, the heart and breathing one, an impulse of connection to the species, it's an intimacy movement.

Organic dance can answer to movement models that originate life: generative positions, musical harmony between human beings, deep resonance with micro and macrocosm, Our purpose is to elucidate this movement forms for a real bond.

There is a way of being absent in all our presence. If we don't look at, we don't listen to, we don't touch the other, we deprive him of his identity. We don't see in himself a person. We are with him but we ignore him. This disqualification, consciously or unconsciously made, has a terroristic sence that includes all the pathologies of Ego.
Celebrating the presence of the other, exalting it for the essential charm of the meeting is in this case the only healthy possibility.

Tenderness: quality of a presence that gives real presence.

Home ~ lines of vivencia


How can our potentiality be developed?

We find the way towards health through the expression of our genetic potential.
To Rolando Toro, the creator of Biodanza System, this potential can be expressed following the trail of five universal functions common to everybody which are summarized in five big groups called Lines of Vivencia.

increase of joy to live, vital impetus (disposable energy to act), motor integration, neurovegetative balance.

the ability to create links with other people through love, friendship, altruism, empathy.

to be the desire source, increase the pleasure, connection with the sexual identity, decrease of sexual repression.

the ability to create links with other people through love, friendship, altruism, empathy.

connection with nature, sence of belonging to the universe.

During one's life people develop these five fundamental functions, Without any doubt, many people make some functions stronger than others and hardly ever they express the totality of their potential, because of the obtacles met in the original expression.

Biodanza works developing the unused functions to integrate them entirely and harmonize them with the other ones.

Home ~ Biodanza definition


Biodanza is a human integration system of organic renewal, of effective re-education, and of re-learning of the life original functions. Its application consists in leading vivencias through music, singing, movements and group encounter situations.


The Biodanza integration process is carried out through the stimulation of primordial functions connected to life that allows every single person to be integrated with himself, with species and universe.


It's the practice that aims to the organic self-regulation, mainly by special conditions of trance. They active cells reparation and global regulation of biological function processes, reducin stress and disorganization factors.


It's the ability to set relationships with other people.


Learn to live starting from the instincts. The instinct is a inborn hereditary behaviour, that doesn't need to be learnt and it shows itself through specific stimuli whose aim is to preserve life and allow its evolution.
Instincts represent nature in ourselves and being sensitive to them means to set a contact between nature and culture.


It's and experience led with a great intensity in terms of here and now and with ontological quality (it is projected on the whole existence). Vivencias in Biodanza are integrative because they have a harmonizing effect.

Vivencia in Biodanza is addressed to stimuli of VITALITY, CREATIVITY, SEXUALITY, AFFECTIVITY and TRANSCENDENCE potentials which are called lines of Vievencia.